Period000 · 1 points ·
They don't attack them. They *** them. (Tis is actually a thing)

Period000 · 3 points ·

Period000 · OP · 1 points ·
It might not seem like much, but exclusive games is actually a huge up on both parts considering that we're talking about which one's better for games. And this isn't a "console power" thing. As I stated before, I don't hate PCs, in fact I use them in some circumstances (they are best at FPSs). It's just annoying when PC gamers force their opinion. If you want to side, that's fine with me.

Period000 · OP · 2 points ·
That's my point exactly. I don't have a preference on consoles or PCs. They both have their ups and downs. There is no perfection to either. They both do their own thing. I don't hate PC gaming, I love steam. I just hate PC gamers when they force their opinion on others as fact.

Period000 · 1 points ·
Its actually harder to put them all on than to take them off.

Period000 · 2 points ·
dad, y u do dis

Period000 · 1 points ·
I have found the perfect post.

Period000 · 2 points ·
But can you play Wii?

Period000 · OP · 0 points ·
I suppose it's a skinny snake coming out of a large mantis. I really don't know. I literally found this less than an hour ago.

Period000 · 1 points ·
Wait is this legit, or did the original poster just fake it?
