If you post, you become an OP. OP is gay. Therefore, posting is homosexual. Miss me with that gay shit. -Matamaha Luther Tyson
1,781 5-Year Club

Joined 9 years ago (2016-02-26 07:36:46).
Has 1,781 Karma.
Created 2 posts.

Achievements Info

6-Year Club 20.02.2023

6-Year Club 20.02.2023

5-Year Club 20.11.2021

4-Year Club 25.02.2020

3-Year Club 25.02.2019

Commenter 07.07.2022

2-Year Club 25.02.2018

Bronze Club 24.12.2020

Casual Poster 20.02.2018

Casual Commenter 20.02.2018

Lurker 20.02.2018

1-Year Club 25.02.2017

Verified 15.02.2017