Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 2 points ·

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 2 points ·
Both because I was confided with this information from a person that is working through it and dont want me to out it, but also because I know he swayed them alot too, at least my friends sister.

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 2 points ·
Hello bartender, I am i a bit of a conflict. One of my former friends just turned out to be a manipulator and abuser, and was just outed from the job we both work at for it. Problem is he is engaged to my best friends sister and they dont know anything, nor does he know that I know what he did and acts like I treat him like shit for nothing. I still want to be with my best friend, but as every time in discord he sits there I get a lump in my stomach and just feel awful being there. Sadly I canĀ“t tell them either as I promised one that told me I would let him/her tell in time

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 6 points ·
But then he would ***ing sneeze

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 1 points ·
You mean nigling right?

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 13 points ·
The worst that you were part of dating a thot. Being cucked is finding out

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 2 points ·
People have diffrent priorities

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 6 points ·
You didn't dare say loss in the title huh?

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 12 points ·
Thought This is America would stop playing...I'm not le dissapointed

Pontagon · Commenter of the Month · 4 points ·
Who would win? The creator of the game with the power of a millenium item or one yugi boiiiiii!
