PPlink · 1 points ·
Owning the world for a few years.

PPlink · 1 points ·
There's a good explanation of why it's happening here.

PPlink · 1 points ·
Now I'm not usually one to comment on people's appearance (I have mirrors in the house), but that WIG! omfg.

PPlink · 1 points ·

PPlink · 1 points ·
That Files app is the biggest piece of junk Google have ever released. It just doesn't work and tries to delete stuff you've just added to your phone, and text files you've just edited. The programmers need a talking to.

PPlink · 1 points ·
It should be "What DOES Bob do?"

PPlink · 2 points ·
18yo driver in the UK.

PPlink · 2 points ·

PPlink · 1 points ·
This is beautiful.

PPlink · 0 points ·
Tg I don't have autoplay on.
