Prenk · Lurker · 8 points ·

Prenk · Lurker · 10 points ·

Prenk · Lurker · 9 points ·

Prenk · Lurker · 12 points ·

Prenk · Lurker · 3 points ·
This shit is so obviously fake. You guys never check anything you see and wonder why normies call you delusional

Prenk · Lurker · 15 points ·
Because you're questioning it with youtube research and opinions from
Doctors and scientists also were the ones that discovered and proved smoking is shit for you. No one says science is infallable, but if you just point angrily at an early life section and use your personal feelings as evidence your position isn't really worth considering.

Prenk · Lurker · 2 points ·
That's a bionicle

Prenk · Lurker · 2 points ·
Do you have a source to the news article? Can't find it, neither through the authors name nor through the headline

Prenk · Lurker · 2 points · *
neither can we see the lower body of the woman

Prenk · Lurker · 2 points ·
if the doctor would need to do the 50% surgery 21 times in a row on you for you to be cured, your calculation would be correct. But in this case he's just doing it once and that's a 50% success chance no matter what came before
