HL-Meetup in Ljubljana 6.9.2021!__ - lurking since 2012

Joined 6 years ago (2019-02-21 10:32:57).
Has 5,860 Karma.
Created 40 posts.

Achievements Info

5-Year Club 20.02.2024

4-Year Club 20.02.2023

3-Year Club 20.02.2022

2-Year Club 20.02.2021

Pepe Collector 14.09.2020

Commenter 30.06.2020

Commenter of the Day 04.06.2020

Poster of the Day 15.03.2020

Bronze Club 19.03.2020

Casual Poster 15.03.2020

1-Year Club 21.02.2020

Casual Commenter 04.07.2019

Verified 21.02.2019