QCPixel · OP · 2 points ·
The great white beast himself. I am honored

QCPixel · OP · 1 points ·
You can start with some clasics like "Pulp Fiction"; "Watchmen" and "Scott Pilgrim VS The World". You also have mind*** movie like "Inception"; "Paprika" and "Cloud Atlas"

QCPixel · OP · 1 points ·
I am but a simple lurker throwing meme from the dark and returning in the shadows after my job is done

QCPixel · OP · 3 points ·
It got stolen by doot wearing skeltals

QCPixel · OP · 1 points ·
I got a list of movies that are my favorites if you want suggestions sir !

QCPixel · OP · 3 points ·
Thank you, was about to answer ! Very good movie by the way, would recommend

QCPixel · 6 points ·
Can anyone get me the id of the original post so i can report that unfunny shitty repost? God, i almost never comment, but there's limits!
(Bad english sorry)

QCPixel · 5 points ·
Nah he's just one of those we call "souverainiste". He and a whole bunch of idiots wants Quebec to dissociate from canada and be it's own country. Wich is kinda dumb
*grabs popcorn*

QCPixel · 1 points ·
I'd funk batgirl

QCPixel · 3 points ·
It all depends on the LARP place you go. Here in quebec, there's a ton of thems. Some are dead serious for the battle then laugh and take a beer after, other are roleplay for a whole 48 hour. You plant your tent, forget who you are and become your character. And it is not forcefully your favorite character, LARP mean Live Action Role Play, so you play a role, it's i'd say 75% improvising and 25% theatre. Yes when we are in our role we are dead serious, because, who would love to see a theatre where nobody loves his role and just goof it off. But once the weekend is over, we share a laugh, "Oh it was funny when i stabbed you in the river " " Yeah man i nearly drowned". And the such. It's really more about the fun than anything else!
