quaffelmann · 2 points ·
that awkward moment when you realize that Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg and Mr. Orange were quite stupid time travellers.

quaffelmann · 13 points ·
This will never work nobody corrects somebody if he just forget one single letter

quaffelmann · 19 points ·
I bet on "that´s how things work" that she will find a richer/hotter guy within the next 3 months.

If you excuseme now my cynicism-sense is tingling, some 14-year old talking ´bout true love.

To social boundary and beyooooooond!

quaffelmann · 1 points ·
He is clearly lying because on opposite day it is not opposite day, simple as that duh!

quaffelmann · 2 points ·
why does everybody try to excel poop-in-the-shower-guy...

quaffelmann · 4 points ·
Austria, such a small country, but it has the wonderful ability to bring up persons, which get the whole world´s attention... (*strokebylightningandgoingtohell*)

quaffelmann · 1 points ·
which show?

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