questo · Lurker · 1 points ·
4 pe? The *** made me build a chair for her...

questo · Lurker · 1 points ·
Collab with palestine (they also kill bugs (jews) and robots (also jews))

questo · Lurker · 0 points ·
2000 years after the crucification and jews are still pissed about jesus. Makes one wonder if he actually might been the og prophet of judeanism.

questo · Lurker · 2 points ·
Its geometrically impossible to have a room with only 2 corners

questo · Lurker · 3 points ·
Word: israel-palestine conflict

Taboo: genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupied territory, jews, muslim, iron dome

Solution: javas fighting the tusk raiders but in real life

questo · Lurker · 2 points ·
European turks? You mean turks?

questo · Lurker · 13 points ·
You see courier, i was quite interested in the conflict between the toilets and the cameramen

questo · Lurker · 12 points ·
Yeah if i was tantalos, i just order myself some snacks to my eternal damnation. Zeus didnt forbid me to snack on some ordered dürüm kebab

questo · Lurker · 2 points ·
Protably changed since monday. There have been several bigger stock purchases in the thousand-area (10'000 pound per individual stock). So big evil got themself even more power

questo · Lurker · 5 points ·
Including travel, im away from home by a bit more than 12 hours on a regular day. Out of those 12 hours, i actually have classes for 6 hours which can be further reduced by 2 hours if my profs wouldnt waste time

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