Ra_will_win · 1 points ·
Can someone explain to me why Sarah Jessica Parker is "supposedly" the genetic breed of a horse

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Ra_will_win · 1 points ·
Ted's character****
Good England?

Ra_will_win · 5 points ·
i have seen too many stupid booty close ups on Hugelol :/

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Ra_will_win · 1 points ·
That is absurd even if you look at it from every possible angle! Lets start with something a little easy(i.e. something you can comprehend). Biggest culture in the world???
Heres your culture:
-Eat fat stuff
-Watch TV
-Surf the internet
-Look at cats
-Say: We are number ONE!
-listen to music
And here's an updated list about your culture
-Eat fat stuff * French and Italians did that WAY before you people
-Watch TV * The tv was invented by a bunch of people, most non-us
-Surf the internet * Fine, you blokes invented the web
-Look at cats * Egyptians even worshipped them
-Say: We are number ONE! * Romans even killed to prove it
-Fap * Long, long ago EVRYWHERE
-listen to music * Also very long ago EVERYWHERE(ps most of ur singers aren't even natively modern american)

End reached.