Radinom · 1 points ·
not only europeans but the rest of the world as well, if aliens ever contact us the whole world gonna pretend they dont know you

Radinom · 3 points ·
I have an uncle who pulled that off, he had always been gay but Mexico in the 60s was not a great time and place to come out, so he married, had children, I think the elder son was about 25 when he finally came out and got a divorce, his wife told us afterwards that she always knew about it, his children weren't shocked either, all things considered it was a peaceful separation, my uncle is soon to be 80 now and he lived on both sides of the coin.

Radinom · 0 points ·

Radinom · 9 points ·

Radinom · 0 points ·


Radinom · 2 points ·
Yeah, this happened to me today.
Askia is full of shit man, city getting wrecked, sword on the shoulder
"We seek peace with all!"

Radinom · 3 points ·
thumbs up for PM

Radinom · 3 points ·
Playing an emulated version of The Sims for PSP on a PC...

Radinom · 1 points ·
Gold! Awful production though

End reached.