rapeseitenagain · 0 points ·

rapeseitenagain · 3 points ·
In that case i'll wipe myself.

rapeseitenagain · 3 points ·
Link to that story? I can imagine that the army didn't get a message for the invasion, it was a bit hard to communicate in those times.

rapeseitenagain · 1 points ·
A lot of oldfags left because hugelol is turning shittier and there's an increase of *** posts etc. I've seen a few of them ago and a few of them aren't that active anymore. I don't know if i can be accounted as an oldfag but i also deleted my account a few months ago and only browse sometimes now. Basbad/Gandalftheblack here.

rapeseitenagain · 2 points ·
He actually wanted his horse to become a consul. Got thrown off the throne before it happened.

rapeseitenagain · 4 points ·
Or use the story in which Emperor of Rome Caligula let his army march to the see and declared war on it, then the army stabbed the water.

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rapeseitenagain · 1 points ·
i can include you.

rapeseitenagain · 8 points ·
This is a picture from Rolland Garros, a tennis tournament.
In this tournament they play on gravel, it's like little sand with an orange colour.
She probably fell and the gravel got stuck on her booty.
