razor21 · 1 points ·
i cought that little ***, i saw what he did half way through

razor21 · 1 points ·
yhea, i hate nazis because i always wanted to be a nazi but nazi germany is gone and neo nazis are methhead shitty ***es, all i wanted was to kill jews, oww shit, i think i might be a jew as well, Freud was a dipshit and the only reason his crap is used today is because its an extra argument for other gays and saying anything that contradicts it makes me gay as well and a social outcast, must fit in, must say what others say, must not contradict the majoraty or they will use logicly flawed yet politicly correct psychology to call me a fag,also i hate pedophiles and that makes me a pedophile, pedo is pretty much just like a fag, same arguments apply for both but i am ok with both as long as it's consensual

razor21 · 1 points ·
just saw this........i've seen this picture like a year ago, go put a bullet in your head op, maybe that'll jog your memory

razor21 · 0 points ·
i spat or spit out my coffe, wichever it is

razor21 · 1 points ·
gay's can't help it ,they are born gay , same argument can be made for pedophiles can't it?, they can't help it, they were born pedophiles

razor21 · 1 points ·
i like rust because it's less about surviving the zombies and scavaging and more about killing everyone to get their shit, the thing i hate though are all the hackers

razor21 · 21 points ·
FINE PENIS, I'LL DO IT just ***ing chill

razor21 · 2 points ·
femanons rarely actually do

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razor21 · 2 points ·
history is written by the victors , the pagans lost so they were turned into followers of God , those who refused were killed and their gods turned into the image of evil so that after a while no one would worship them, this coming from a catholic,as i said, history is written by the victor
