Red_Polar_Bear · OP · 1 points ·

Red_Polar_Bear · OP · 2 points ·
sometimes it is good to have such accurate names for products - in my language we just took the term foie gras from french so people don't really know what they consume

Red_Polar_Bear · OP · 1 points ·

Red_Polar_Bear · OP · 2 points ·
duck liver is also used - I guess the goose one is more expensive?

Red_Polar_Bear · OP · 2 points ·
my god :O

Red_Polar_Bear · OP · 1 points ·
I should include that one too somehow

Red_Polar_Bear · 1 points ·
Lol only snowflakes complain. Grow some balls

Red_Polar_Bear · 1 points ·
I may have overreacted a bit, indeed. You are right- USA is the richest country in the world, after all. Also, being a democracy it makes sense that many of the people there live comparatively good lives (it is not so easy to get an obesity epidemic...).
Also, you are right that the media and many people are exaggerating.
It is quite annoying that there are basically two opinions on the net- either 'USA is the best(TM) country in the world' or it is 'the worst shithole full of hypocrites'.
Comparing to the rest of the world, I would also say that USA (from what I know) is one of those countries you'd want to be born in (if one had a choice...).
Finally, I am glad you are doing fine and that you are living in a state/place that cares about those less fortunate. Keep up that good work :)

Red_Polar_Bear · 6 points ·
Yes of course bc the story is only about you and you are the most important thing in the universe and nothing else matters.
The story is not only about you pal - many others must have shit life just so that you can have a mediocre one.
You are not alone in the game.

Red_Polar_Bear · OP · 1 points · *
You do not need to be sapient in order to be sentient (you also do not need to be sapient to harm others but it seems sapience is needed in order to rationally choose not to harm others).

So sentience is not randomly chosen. Sentience matters because the organisms possessing it can be harmed (in morally relevant ways) by other organisms (some of which claim their sapience gives them 'divine' or 'humane' authority to abuse others).
On the morals yes, you make a good point. You do get pleasure.
Still, you do greatly affect other beings in that process, you harm them and there is no consent from them.
The utilitarian calculations are interesting from a theoretical pov but in practice, we always deal with individuals. In the same way the zebra doesn't like the ''circle of life'' and tries to escape death, the cow doesn't like being ''artificially impregnated'' and people do not like being killed ''for the greater good''.

Even if your pleasure would be greater than the suffering of the individual, it does not change the fact that 1)you forced them into it; 2)you contribute to a culture of abuse; 3)you contribute to breeding more individuals that will have bad lives; 4)by being vegan there are high chances you will actually get more pleasure from your diet (knowing that your effort reduces/prevents some of the suffering of the world) 5)much of the food we produce is wasted but we can surely agree that the cost of wasted animal products is higher than that of plant products (both in regards to resources but also the moral weight).

So one important thing for me is that the whole thing is very unfair and harmful. Sure, nature is unfair and we are part of that nature but we are also capable of understanding all this and choose not to participate in it (ofc, if you are like me and you had to work as a shepherd when young, the choice of non-participation was not really there).

