RedSea8916 · 1 points ·
Becasue it is a matrix... There is no math to be done just common knowledge.

RedSea8916 · 5 points ·

RedSea8916 · 2 points ·
You should be.

RedSea8916 · 11 points ·

RedSea8916 · 22 points · *
All "women driving" jokes aside (which is hillarious), I don't think this post belongs on a "humour" site considering their 6-year-old child sat in the car and saw both her parents get crushed to death... It's a really sad story.

RedSea8916 · 4 points ·
The "do" is supposed to be an "are".

RedSea8916 · 2 points ·
Well most of HugeLoL hates on everybody that's stupid enough to believe any religious nonsense.. so yea, theres that.

RedSea8916 · 1 points ·
I hope you are an American trolling, otherwise you must be one of the few uneducated europeans...
