RexXx · 9 points ·

RexXx · OP · 8 points ·
Girls of the Wild's is the name

RexXx · OP · 2 points · *
Hail Catan!

RexXx · OP · 4 points ·

RexXx · OP · 29 points ·

End reached.

Joined 11 years ago (2013-01-18 10:34:56).
Has 1,365 Karma.
Created 10 posts.
Wrote 5 comments.

Achievements Info

8-Year Club 16.01.2021

7-Year Club 17.01.2020

6-Year Club 17.01.2019

5-Year Club 17.01.2018

4-Year Club 16.02.2017

3-Year Club 16.02.2017

2-Year Club 16.02.2017

1-Year Club 16.02.2017

Bronze Club 09.09.2016