Rinzler · 1 points ·
Sorry, I don't want to be like the haters here... But nobody should be using this meme, and that situation isn't even awkward. Unless they're your relatives...

Rinzler · 9 points ·
"... A cracking pair of tits (according to my dad)..." WHAT THE F**K?!

Rinzler · 1 points ·
Ew! That dude was nasty (but tasty)...

Rinzler · OP · 12 points ·
Once, I saw a photo in a forum about a guy who just found a dead rat inside a case, A DEAD RAT! Man, it was very very very disgusting (like a mummy). Could you just imagine how many PC users won't even care about cleaning that stuff?

Rinzler · 1 points ·
Feminism is strong on this one

Rinzler · 25 points ·
You should have titled it as "2 girls and a Throne".

Rinzler · 4 points ·
*The pig tastes good

End reached.