Robonator · 1 points ·

Robonator · 1 points ·
Witchers don't need to cook their meat

Robonator · 1 points ·
blood magic? you mean aids transfer?

Robonator · 1 points ·
i dont get it. even with 5 youtube tabs open, my chrome still uses less than skype. maybe about 120mb.

Robonator · 6 points ·
>high< school

Robonator · 3 points ·
one of the best i have ever read

Robonator · 1 points · *
go to loverslab so you can pleasure you sick fetishes there... or find some actually cool mods

Robonator · 2 points ·

Robonator · 5 points · *
Story behind this: Woman picked up stray cat, after a few days or something stray cat started attacking the dog so the woman decided to kick snow at the cat. Cat jumps on womans face, biting her head and scratching the face. Later animal control came by, picked up the cat, killed it and tested it for rabies.

Robonator · 1 points ·
