robotnik · 1 points ·
@seanmcmh listen to the elder please go away. Im glad the waitress has been sack. The tip is not an obligation. The restaurant pays her. Do you tip the mailman, the cashier in the bank, the cashier in supermarket, the cashier in macdonald and all the other? they work for companies. the company pay them. The tip is an extra to say thx if you can afford it. And you say if you can't afford then don't eat outside, yeah indeed if everybody think like you do, there will be less customer, less business, less money and your sister wouldn't even get a job. Think twice.

robotnik · 0 points ·
@max6299 The real problem is not Islam or muslims. It is the fact lack of knowledge and the stupidity of people. The worst is that these stupids people do not know that they are the idiot. max6299 you are doing something called propaganda with your post. And weak minded people could think you are saying something right but for people who actually use their brain no need to debate with a sheep like you. Keep spitting your shit.

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robotnik · 1 points ·
Troll master kangaroo

robotnik · 1 points ·
Humanity restored definitely.

Here is humanity lost

robotnik · 2 points ·
And the answer is the same.

robotnik · 3 points ·
In france they call it "*** head' and that's not a joke.

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robotnik · 4 points ·
write "USA" instead of "religion" on the shirt would be more true.

robotnik · 0 points ·
Obviously it's a fake. How could you let a baby play with a LOADED gun? Even 'merican wouldn't do such stupid thing.
