Ruebeweg · 3 points ·
I've read some of the reviews and to me it seems mostly some cigarettes complaining about sjw and others who hyped themselves way too much and are now sad because it didn't exceed their expectation.
That's why I'll wait two years for the PS Plus Release, when I can enjoy or hate the game without the overall toxic feed

Ruebeweg · 1 points ·
What your saying is, that there's a chance he's back to see his grandkids. Wholesome

Ruebeweg · 1 points ·
I never understood why this bothered people. Germany is still mainly populated by white people so of course in any bar there will be more whites than other skin colors.

Ruebeweg · 1 points ·
That's one more post that shows how stupid the humour of normies is. Of course a pot doesn't grow, but a greater plant needs a greater pot to grow properly. How degenerate can your humour be to find this a bit funny in any way??

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