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sakruche · 4 points ·

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sakruche · 1 points ·
Wrong woody.

sakruche · 0 points ·
can anyone tell me what being a big or a small spoon is all about?

sakruche · 39 points ·
everyone still looks hot though, except miley

sakruche · 2 points ·
Did anyone else think something different was gonna happen?

sakruche · 10 points ·
It's not funny at all for ***s sake. People work hard to develop games and you just fking download them for free without feeling atleast a little guilty? I mean imagine if you worked on a game and everyone downloaded it without paying, would that make your hard work worth it?

sakruche · 0 points ·
so much swag and sex in one picture

sakruche · 29 points ·
And award for most original title goes to...!
