SarahKmos · 7 points ·
I recently read an article which talked about how policy makers are misrepresenting science in the case of smoking outside. Apparently there is no science to back your "public passive smoking harmful effects "concern.

SarahKmos · 2 points ·
Did these "fat" people lie to the whole world to grow rich? Win 7 times a coveted race whose real winners never got any recognition. I don't care if he puts any shit into his body, it is the deception that makes me lose respect. This post makes no ***ing sense.

SarahKmos · 2 points ·
This ignorance is killing me... Simply put, gravitational field can exist in vacuum. It is not caused by vacuum it simply can exist in vacuum

SarahKmos · 8 points ·
Obama: Can't hear you over my Nobel PEACE prize for drone attacks

SarahKmos · 3 points ·
Tell me how that is stupid? Detroit is broke due to very high public spending. It is a fact not an opinion.

SarahKmos · 0 points ·
Initiation of force is immoral. My theory is as simple as that. I prefer a society where people can do anything as long as they don't infringe on right or property of others. By rights I mean that you cannot harm a person or his property. You force people to take part in your healthcare scheme even if they wish not to. That is infringement of freedom. It is not Utopia I dream of. There would be mistakes and flaws but you have to pay for your mistakes and not your neighbour. I do not bring any intolerance to the table, being agitated at the lose of freedom wrong? I dont have a grudge against MY government, I have a grudge against concentrated power deciding for people. That holds for Canada too.

Things can be black and white. You are taught from day one that government takes care of you or chaos is the result. That without govt there wont be roads. Every mode of modern life is contributed by the free market enterprise. And people find it hard to accept.

You missed the whole gist of what I am saying. Free will matters and it is taken away from you bit by bit. And I will protest it. And I studied economics and have operated my own small business. The road of socialising each industry leads to its final destruction. History is the proof.

You are deluded about your freedom. Good for you. Remain the same way. I feel angry and powerless because I cannot move out of a controlling system because I 51% votes for their comfort at any expense. Re distribution of wealth is easy to do, but it finally results in the economy as a whole going down the drain. ... Give it time and you can witness it yourself or maybe the next generation.

You have a great and wonderful day. Let it be filled with rainbows and unicorns.

SarahKmos · 1 points ·
I am all for helping people but if I use my money I decide where it goes. Charities work at a much higher efficiency than government bureaucracy. It is wasteful to say the least. I can assure you that more lives would be saved without the social security than with. Unemployment would be much lesser with no social security constraints for employers. People will be able to take care of themselves. People do not have a duty to serve others. They do it by their free will. And I find no fault in a person choosing not to sacrifice for others. In america why should a Christian pay for someone else's abortions or Birth control? Fee stuff are always misused. it is a plain fact. And finally, US was left as an innovator in healthcare... now once they join the parade, where is the innovation going to come from? The question I ask myself is this... Will I rob someone if I needed money for my treatment? My answer is NO... maybe I don't value my life too much but I would rather depend on kindness and willingness of people than threats and force.But my belief does not matter to the rest... They can rob me any time they want :)...

SarahKmos · 3 points ·
Saving my money to be taken by someone else is definitely a cost. I take responsibility for myself and my health and education. Other people should too. Take a loan and pay it back, if you don't think that a masters will improve your job skills/ pay, don't do it. How does baristas with masters help the society?

SarahKmos · 0 points ·
Wow you forgot many things in that... I should not be FORCED to do anything I don't want to. Who is going to pay the nations' crippling debt? All these famous European nations are falling under debt crisis. Maybe the Greeks are happy too with their government services. Asking to keep my money I EARNED is greedy. and asking to take my money by FORCE makes you good? I don't want to do anything that is FORCED. I contribute money to things I believe in not what 51% of people believe in. I EARNED it and I know how to spend it. Keep sacrificing one freedom after the other till you have guaranteed health, shelter and food like in a prison. And lastly the growth of these European countries have been crippled since a long time coming. Their industries are leaving the country causing more unemployment. In France the cost to a company to give you a 50K job is 110K. so a fresh gradate has to create 110K profit to get hired and a huge percent is social security. This is why industries die out and people become unemployed, and go into unemployed allowance.. You have to take responsibility for your healthcare. If you believe in the government service, join it.. Why don't I have an OPTION to join or not? Don't want the services and don't want to pay it. I dont believe in the system and it is going to destroy the healthcare industry. Cancer treatment will go back by decades, useless waste on government bureaucracy, huge waste of resources (like anything free). I am not going to reach anyone with valid arguments. Because I am greedy. Because I grew up in middle class family raising a huge debt to start my business.. Since I succeeded I OWE society something. If I failed.. hmm just as well. I have never asked for anything from the govt as a a broke woman building her business or as an owner of a small business. ..YOU are the GREEDY ones looking to take advantage of hard working people by calling them names.
