ShadowStigma · 3 points ·
is that Randy?

ShadowStigma · 1 points ·

ShadowStigma · 8 points ·
no, I got the point, but I'm not going to go "oh, someone pointed out he scanned a snake THAT'S SO FUNNY!" =)

ShadowStigma · 9 points ·
sounds like it's a red-bellied black (they aren't always black, they can be brown or grey, but guess what colours they usually are)

ShadowStigma · 1 points ·
if I ever open a brothel/adult shop I might just call it that

ShadowStigma · 1 points ·
to my understanding 30% or less of Australians would be christian/catholic........... and I'd say (from personal experience) about 90% of those christians/catholics wouldn't believe the earth was created only 6000 years ago

ShadowStigma · 1 points ·
are you sure this isn't just one of those 'vaccines cause autism things' cos the only thing's I've seen are the 'jet fuel can't melt steal beams' posts, and that's hardly conclusive evidence, and I personally can't be bothered researching it

ShadowStigma · 9 points ·
I'd love to read a manga where this actually happens

ShadowStigma · 0 points ·
thanks =)

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