Shitforbrains · 1 points ·
because I wont jizz on a praying mantis?

Shitforbrains · 14 points ·
9/11 ftw

Shitforbrains · 12 points ·
this repost has gone bananas

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Shitforbrains · 16 points ·
hitler was vegetarian because his doctor wasn't a very good one, he put him on a vegetarian diet on a bad decision and as a result hitler had very bad.. wait for it.. *gas*. no kidding, it gave him a seriously upset stomach and he was farting all the time and had constant stomach pains, wich explains the fact he was very often in a fowl mood, hence his bad decisions (plus being a psycho didn't help).

Shitforbrains · 4 points ·
they can invade the republicans..

Shitforbrains · 1 points · *
they "compete" as you say. so to compete you need rules. so they follow the rules, so even though they are competing this does not necessarily mean they are opposed; on the contrary quite often the views of the different players aren't that different from each other since they are playing by the same rules this "game" if you will. did that make any sense to you?

ps: extra hint: they all have more or less the same "owners" these news stations.
