shlomogoldnagel · 1 points ·
no ***ging!

shlomogoldnagel · OP · 2 points ·
this makes it even more funnier xD

shlomogoldnagel · 1 points ·
I think its more because he has a Tribal Tattoo wich have been worn traditionally by maori people. In case you have been in a koma, they have been pretty popular in the late 90s early 00s, mostly by douches that do not know the meaning behind these

shlomogoldnagel · 2 points ·

shlomogoldnagel · 15 points ·
German Engineering in da house ya!

shlomogoldnagel · 14 points ·
There's this really funny south park scene....

shlomogoldnagel · 3 points ·
They are on the local level. at least here in berlin. they have been the first to use the words "oh my ***ing god" on parlament floor.

shlomogoldnagel · OP · 0 points ·
yeah, but just look how the internet democratized music... but that's a completely other topic.
