sicarius92 · 2 points ·
These aren't the hombres you're looking for.

sicarius92 · 1 points ·
Fast & Furious is getting out of hands.

sicarius92 · 1 points ·
I don't ride a bike either.
I ride OP's mother.

sicarius92 · 1 points ·
Soccer punch. You had one job OP!

sicarius92 · 2 points ·
He's not, I'll try to contact him.

sicarius92 · 1 points ·
Officers are teaching women to drink.

sicarius92 · 1 points ·
If you're a Christian, God will always remember your deeds.
If you're an atheist, though luck.

God 1, Atheism 0

sicarius92 · 1 points ·
This is a job for me, I am the external controller.

sicarius92 · 1 points ·
Balls on fire, balls on fire
Burning, burning with these sparklers
