Slovakia · 3-Year Club · 6 points ·
finnaly it´s my turn!

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · 1 points ·
*because you remember the story of your dad*

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · OP · 1 points ·
As you can see those kunts can´t appreciate decent doot nowadays

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · 5 points ·
This is the end pals. Now somebody make a meta meme on meth out of this pls

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · OP · 15 points ·

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · 1 points ·

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · 19 points ·

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · 1 points ·
Me next..

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · 9 points ·
oh Plato..

Slovakia · 3-Year Club · 0 points ·
