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SnowPyro · 4 points ·

SnowPyro · 4 points ·
I wish everyone would stop misrepresenting feminism! This is nothing like what feminism is about nor what a feminist looks like!

A real feminist would have been at least 300 pounds heavier and would not have interacted with that poor homeless man who is clearly a rapist general of the evil patriarchical army.

SnowPyro · 1 points · *
Let me show you how easily "shocking" statistics can be pulled out of anyone's ass. In fact, I will use your own definition of rape as a premise to show you how easy it is to twist words and fear monger.

You said, "having sex with someone who is drunk is rape." I have taken a small poll with 5 of my male friends. The first question I asked was: "have you ever had sex while you were drunk". Four replied "yes". The second question I posed: "how many male friends do you know of that had sex while they were drunk"; all five gave answers that averaged to "3". Hence, I use this survey to conclude that there are 3x5 + 4 = 19 unreported female rapists for every 5 men in the country. Meaning there are more female rapists about than there is people in the country! :o

As for why males (myself included) aren't more passionate about preventing rape. I would wager that 99.9% of males recognise that rape is wrong. What makes the cause less endearing to us is the insinuation that we are innate rapists, we are solely to blame and the push for policy that will severely undermine our legal rights (i.e. asking for rapists to be "guilty till proven innocent"). Answer this question: how much money would you donate to unemployed people if someone came up to you on the streets, yelled that you are the sole cause of unemployment because of your oppressive nature as an employed person, then told you that their cause is pushing for employed people to give 30% of their monthly wages to the unemployed to end the "oppression"?

Also, never forget that the same groups out to shock with bullsh*t statistics like that are the ones who tried to argue that every instance of pen*s-in-vag*na sex should be classified as rape.

SnowPyro · 6 points · *
People have lots of reasons to lie, especially on a survey where many feel the need to be interesting or "useful". Not to mention the common fallacies such as leading or loaded questions (i.e. saying yes to "have you ever suspected that a friend had been raped" being tallied as an unreported rape), inaccurate definitions (i.e. classifying regretting consensual sex after the deed as rape), and so on.

Fun fact: an anonymous survey was done with a sample of men with regards to pen*s size. The "average" pen*s size reported was way over 7 inches. Look down between your legs now and tell me if you think people lied on that survey despite it being anonymous and there being "no reason to lie".

Furthermore, that diagram classifies rape accusation cases that have been dismissed in a court of law or by the police as rapists who escape punishment. That is very very dubious and dangerous. Why the f*ck does the surveyer think that (s)he can substitute his/her own judgement based on an ANONYMOUS questionaire for what was at least an elementary investigation by professionals like policemen and lawyers?

SnowPyro · 6 points · *
I can use microsoft paint to create a chart like that in 5 minutes too.

The fact that none of those "rapists" figures are wearing skirts shuld make it obvious that it isn't accurate.

How the *** were the statistics gathered for the unreported rapes? Furthermore, "rapists" connotes that the men were guilty. Quite a ***ing reach labelling hundreds of men guilty without them even being reported much less standing a fair trial.

SnowPyro · 1 points ·
Try uploading the husband-o-meter version with backhands for every time the wife screws up and see how many feminazis will think it is offensive.

Just kidding! Feminazis don't think.

SnowPyro · 12 points ·
Using "undesired" to describe women is sexist as it defines them through the valuation of males. Your username is sexist because there are wrinkles on a man's testicles and testicles represent oppressive patriarchy. This post is sexist because it was produced by having my phallic fingers forcefully jabbing at the keyboard not unlike rape. Sexism is sexist because rape! #FeminaziLogic
