some_cool_thing · 3 points ·
.... captain ?

some_cool_thing · 1 points ·
source of comment ? need to upvote more .

some_cool_thing · 1 points ·
this is not okay . this is not okay .

some_cool_thing · 12 points ·
it's like death but you have to wake up afterwards .

some_cool_thing · 3 points ·
At this point , there are ten other comments , and not one of them are addressing WHY THE *** IS THERE A PYTHON IN THE CLOSET

some_cool_thing · 22 points ·

some_cool_thing · 1 points ·
in the third photo from the top, what the *** is that woman holding ?

some_cool_thing · 1 points ·
why does this exist ?

some_cool_thing · 1 points ·
agreed can someone just like sum it up for all us lazy asses ?
