Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 5 points ·
Idk man, I think I have done that to girls around the same time as the other way around.

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 2 points ·
Real bros take the pissoir right next to their homie

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 3 points ·
Purist, if you gonna fvck a plane dont quit halfway through

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 6 points ·

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points ·
I see, I wouldnt call a non tenured person Professor yet. But I did study in Austria not the US

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points ·
I for one would pay to see a duel to the death between pitbulls and PETA activists armed with knifes.

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points ·
Uh and that, also for PC pls

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points ·
Give me Bloodborne for PC you soulless monkeys.

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points ·
Eh usually but for things like Burgers and some chicken/duck stuffings I do believe its worth it.

Someone1234 · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points · *
1: Das Kapital

2: Meh, breh never learned to say something in a brief manner, he is writing 100 pages about something that you could perfectly well express in 10-20.

3: Yeah Warhammer novels, most of them are at least decent imo with some great ones like the Ahriman books.

4: Das Kapital, still planning on finishing it eventually though.

Everything is about Someone.

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