Soullesspegasus · 1 points ·
You can also see her thong if you look closer lol

Soullesspegasus · 1 points ·
...white people

Soullesspegasus · 6 points · *
Actually date trees take 4-8 years to produce any fruit, but they take 7-10 years after being planted to produce the desired (sweet) fruit. I come from a family of date and citrus farmers. Boring, I know. Still funny post tho.

Soullesspegasus · 17 points · *
He also ate bear meat with his deer teeth just for the lols

Soullesspegasus · 1 points ·

Soullesspegasus · 3 points ·
If this is really your family and not simply told in the first person for the purpose of the joke: you have a beautiful family, I envy you sir.

End reached.