Spunknic · OP · 1 points ·
My first front post and it was a sus meme......

Spunknic · 1 points ·
Not a mitigating circumstance. Just pointing out in the long line of people killing people this is meh.
It's like looking out into an emergency room packed to the walls and deciding the dude with a broken finger is the one that should be focused on. This whole thing is another big company bad let's *** about it and feel good yet nothing will really get done about it.
Please take note I am not saying the company is right or wrong in thier move I just find man kinds ability to state so much shit is wrong with out taking any true action. The world states that murder is bad and slavery is bad yet us as consumers have shown that it is actually ok as long as it is far enough removed from sight.
Examples: electronics, oil, food, entertainment.

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Spunknic · 1 points ·
What major company pulling in that much business hasn't paid to have problems solved?

Spunknic · 4 points ·
Riding the enema

Spunknic · 7 points ·

Spunknic · 1 points ·
There once was a man who wrote a novel on hugelol. He said he was out. He was browsing again 5 minutes later.
We called him OP and he can suck a dicktater

Spunknic · 6 points · *
That's not even a burn? I mean for $19.99 a month he could probably rent da hoe

Spunknic · 1 points ·
I live next to a river but they pulled a dam out to save to environment. Yet all it did was free up the toxins that settled behind it so now the fish are inedible.

Spunknic · 3 points ·
What is this please
