SuccessKid · 1 points ·
!gamble all

SuccessKid · 3 points ·

SuccessKid · 1 points ·
!gamble all

SuccessKid · 1 points ·
Let's give this another go shall we...
!gamble 1000

SuccessKid · 2 points ·

SuccessKid · 2 points ·
!gamble 1500

SuccessKid · 2 points ·
!gamble 1000

SuccessKid · 2 points ·
Why does it matter though? Surely you're not coming on here to stare at the layout.. content is far more important

SuccessKid · 2 points ·
I wish both forms of post would be replaced by something less terrible.

SuccessKid · 1 points ·
Came here to make this comment!
