Surox · 1 points ·
that other comment and no they won't. they'll give 100billion to those countries to stop the effects of global warming (aka to have the dutch build better dunes/dikes/mills/etc in those countries)
congrats, you got absolutely everything wrong

Surox · 1 points ·
i just love the tiny "no data" dot int the sahara. very usefull :P

Surox · 1 points ·

Surox · 1 points ·
can anyone please photoshop a certain captain in here?

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Surox · 2 points ·
i've been looking forward for the new episodes for weeks, and then a few days before they air you post this??? are you trying to kill me?

Surox · 3 points ·
yup :P

Surox · 3 points ·
i'm watching that just now :P

Surox · 2 points ·

Surox · 20 points ·
