Szaint · 3 points ·
Only if it has more cuts in the action. I could almost follow him jumping that fence in 3.

Szaint · 2 points · *
From what my friends and family with firsthand knowledge have told me, I believe/am inclined to believe the situation wasn't as critical in many hospitals as the click-hungry mainstream media kept telling us. Also, I think those tiktok dances are lame and cringy so I enjoy mocking them. :)

Szaint · 1 points · *
Another free tip, by the way. Here's a quote from your last reply:

"i've been answering your question before, you are just too stupid to have noticed. and now i've answered it again. did you get it this time? i'd be surprised."

Your strange inability to use correct capitalization aside, this whole text is objectively bad. For one, the comma you use here wrongly conjoins two separate sentences. There should be a full stop instead. After this you clumsily pick up the tangent with an "and" which is not only jarring but also demonstrates you can't maintain a fluid train of thought. There is no reason to use "and" because you're reinforcing the previous statement with a fresh sentence. You can refer to this paragraph as an example on how to do it correctly.

Just some advice :-)

Szaint · 1 points · *
I see you've once again failed to deliver an answer to a very clear question. I guess you're embarassed. I'll try again: do you honestly believe that piece of text I quoted was good? How would you rate it? I'm genuinely curious.

Are you able to process and answer this simple question?

Also, a small tip: you are overly reliant on repetition and your structuring is erratic.

Szaint · 1 points ·
Just one indulgence, then, because I'm honestly curious. You evaded even my most direct, bluntly formulated question. I asked if you thought this:

"It is insulting to most women to tell them they look like men. Because they don't want to look like men. They want to look like women. Because they want to be beautiful."

was a well-written piece of text. So no bullshit--do you? You strut and posture and insinuate you're smart and educated, yet you're either incapable or afraid to answer. So give me your honest assessment of those few lines. One to ten.

Also, I'm not a native speaker either. I know this might surprise you because we operate on such different levels of intellect and education (honestly, I'd be surprised if you even have a Bachelor's degree), but I'm sure with practice you could at least pass the marker 'barely literate' in English.

Szaint · 1 points · *
Holy crap, there are so many errors in this wall of text it's making my teeth hurt. First of all, I picked your initial reply because it's where we started our conversation, but it doesn't matter because you make the same mistakes in every comment. Just look at the way you typed this one: barely a comma in sight because you cannot fluidly express your thoughts.

You have the vocabulary of a grade-school student and it shows. You're trying to sound condescending but your lack of proper punctuation, bizarre structuring, and terrible reading comprehension cause it to feel cringeworthy instead. Also, your attempt to explain away your bigoted comment (women don't want to look like men because they want to be beautiful) is weak. You wrote what you wrote; just own it.

As for run-on sentences, your inability to use caps and commas creates (inadvertently, I suppose) run-on sentences out of those choppy little segments. In all seriousness though, that example I used from your earlier comment would look like this with proper capitalization:

It is insulting to most women to tell them they look like men. Because they don't want to look like men. They want to look like women. Because they want to be beautiful.

Do you seriously, HONESTLY, consider this a well-structured piece of text? It's not merely the repetition, but the fact you've chopped two reasonably succinct sentences in half for no valid reason. You can try to whine and wriggle your way around it and come up with some bullshit excuse why you typed this particular bit that way, but it's objectively awful. And there are many more instances.

Anyway, I'm getting tired of interacting with a guy who communicates like a prototype AI from an 80's movie. I won't be replying anymore, so don't bother cranking out another one of those eyesores.

Szaint · 1 points · *
Sure. Here's a segment of your first reply: "it is insulting to most women to tell them they look like men. because they don't want to look like men. they want to look like women. because they want to be beautiful."

In this case the first and second sentence are actually one, as are the third and fourth. On top of that you awkwardly repeat the same words ("look like men"/"look like men") which gives it a kind of grade-school feel.

Beyond that there's the unfortunate implication that men can't be beautiful, as if 'beauty' is a female concept (or women with a lot of masculine traits can't be beautiful) which is interesting and kind of bigoted in its own way, but hey, to each their own I guess.

Also, too lazy to *capitalize*? I sure hope all the energy you save by typing like a moron is spent on something very important.

Szaint · 1 points · *
Then I hope you're an animal trainer, because if you teach adults there must be a pretty poor standard of education where you live, at least based on the way you tried to make a point with that inane garble of choppy, barely connected sentences.

P.S. You do know what capitalization is, right?

Szaint · 1 points · *
No I understand the concept just fine. It's just that your initial comment was so poorly worded and formatted I can't imagine you explain things to people professionally. You could try constructing full sentences and using capital letters. instead of run on sentences. like this. that sound like you're dictating. a telegram. to your secretary. full stop.

Szaint · 1 points ·
Something tells me you're not a schoolteacher if that's how you explain things
