szergei · 6 points ·
Oh, this was a nice one :)

szergei · 0 points ·
wow ***o, get some sunlight, it does wonders to you.

szergei · 1 points ·
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. The mainstream left cared as much about the environment as the right both in Europe and the US. I think you just write down your impressions and beliefs, bu these are pretty far from what happened. The disillusion with the Soviet Union happened after 1968 (Prague Spring) and the new left by that time was active for at least 10 years (the students movements and the civil rights movements in the late 50s and early 60s). I think you are mixing the new left with the radicals of the era which is not the same thing. After the schizophrenic part I can't really understand your line of thought so if you don't mind I won't follow this anymore.

szergei · 2 points ·
You said the 60s leftists hijacked the environmentalist cause. This is simply not true. Until the Reagan administration the environmental issue was pretty much bipartisan and consensual. For example the Earth Day was started by a Democratic Senator named Gaylord Nelson, and one year later Nixon embraced it and gave it state support. Also see NGO-s like the Sierra Club or the Audubon Society. I think you made a semi-educated political statement above according to your beliefs but actually know very little about the issue. Environmental activism may seem crazy today but climate change is terrifying and if someone doesnt notice this, they are stupid/overmedicated.

szergei · 1 points ·
The environmental issue was hijacked by the Reagan administration and its secretary of interior, James G. Watt. Their "stewardship" and "wise use" movement which was intended to be a new anti-environmentalist narrative was based on the works of Francis Schaeffer (Pollution and the Death of Man: The Christian View of Ecology)

szergei · 2 points ·
Tactical following comment

szergei · 4 points ·
Could you give a source to this? I'd like to see the whole thing, it's pretty interesting.

szergei · 3 points ·
I need this in my life every week :)

szergei · 4 points ·
She said that she thinks Rittenhouse is a dumbass kid, who became figurehead for the militia movement

szergei · 7 points ·
Of course not. OP is having wet dreams of the girl but doesnt want to give up his Rittenhouse fantasy world :D
