Teddyhh · 8 points ·
When will we as a society learn and ban the cars??

Teddyhh · 11 points ·
Rich people be paying billions for this

Teddyhh · 8 points ·
Dog truly is mans best friend. I bet dog kept its mouth shut and didnt snitch too

Teddyhh · 3 points ·
"Walls doesnt work"

Teddyhh · 11 points ·
Lets all put our money on one unfortunate logger and order a hit. One life for many debts

Teddyhh · 2 points ·
If true would be very sus. Prison not entirely what it seems like?

Teddyhh · 6 points ·
Those milkers tho..

Teddyhh · 1 points ·
The egyptians certainly built some pyramids. If my understanding is correct this would fit nicely with their religious beliefs at the time. Phalluses were meant to represent the lost penis of Osiris, or at least a functioning replica. In the Osiris story Isis finds every part of the dismembered Osiris except for his penis and have to use a replica to give birth to her son.

There is a theory that states the egyptians built alot of pyramids to replicate the perfect Giza pyramid that was there before the egyptians came to be, the replicas were not as good tho.

Personally i think the Giza pyramid actually was built by the egyptians by a genius engineering-team that built the pyramids at a time were earths gravity was much lower than it is today, making it much easier to move and place large stones

Teddyhh · 4 points · *
Its just jealousy, just ignore it. Take control of the power and make the world into however you think it should be. I know it will certainly become an utopia under your guidance

Teddyhh · 1 points ·
Although its just my speculation, the original pyramids seems to symbolize the male penis with the pyramid itself being the penishead, with the shaft often being covered in layers of dirt.

As a tomb this would have been used for some sort of reincarnation ritual. Over time the purpose of the structure of the tomb was forgotten and less knowledgeable leaders just remade the top part, ignoring the shaft altogether.
Secondarily many pyramids seems to have been on top of inner earth entrances, which both secured the entrances from being blocked by sand/dirt, but also strengthened the reincarnation symbolism with the phallus connecting from the underworld (realm of the dead) to the over-world of the living. As a dead (soul) you will only become living once more by reincarnating through the penis, which at the moment of conception release the divine spark of electricity to the egg.
