TheBigBadBear · 0 points ·
god, I love the downvote button

TheBigBadBear · 0 points ·
you punks are lucky I'm not your dad... I mean... I work out... and I'm a bear... ever get puncehd by a bear? a bear that works out?

TheBigBadBear · 4 points ·
has the chance to in the first season... doesn't do it

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TheBigBadBear · 0 points ·
you just jelly cuz I love her..... reply to me with capitals... I dare you

TheBigBadBear · 0 points ·
I found my gf on this shit... well not really... cuz I found her best friend... who fell in love with me.... and then she did as well... and now they hate each other... and I have a gf.

TheBigBadBear · 5 points ·
silly romanian gypsies...

TheBigBadBear · 8 points ·
Well.... we all know which hand he uses to wank with....

TheBigBadBear · 0 points ·
pics or didn't happend
