TheProtlak · 19 points ·
How to tf
1. In a team of six players, have four snipers and two spies with no skill whatsoever.
2. At the beginning of a round, steal engineer's ammo because of that one rocket you just used to rocket-jump. Weee!
3. Ignore the spy that is capturing your last control point. Preferably when most/all of your team is dead.
4. As a pyro, never spycheck. Instead, perform suicidal frontal attacks on an enemy sentry over and over again.
5. When receiving uber charge, don't move.
6. Get dem hats!!!

TheProtlak · 6 points ·
Kritzkrieg-sniper all the way

TheProtlak · 1 points ·
Dude... you have money. Women will find you.

TheProtlak · 8 points ·
I haven't noticed any fedoras around here...although it might be because I never leave my room.

TheProtlak · 16 points ·

two days ago, I met a player with nick Tyrion kills Tywin. People are bunch of ***s and nothing will ever change that.

TheProtlak · 0 points ·
Even if that was true, I'm not impressed. How difficult could it possibly be for the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, to "persuade" them to give him the belt?

End reached.