therealpepe · 0 points ·
when its ok to have pumped up breasts with neon lightblue stretch marks, and bursting, digusting nipples, ass implants, fake lips, lashes, botox in your whole face, when people are allowed, sometimes even encouraged to become a human barbie.... but when its not ok, to not identify with being a "female" or "male" ...

therealpepe · 1 points ·
maybe you should go outside more? it really helps, believe me!

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therealpepe · 2 points ·
its not like muslim children, women and regular prayers are standing with a bloodhand printed on their forehead infront of our gates, to kill all and everyone of us! You live in a very mad world if you believe such madness! most muslims dont even care much about their religion, just like normal christians.... and it will take only some time, untill we as a human race break free from religious slavery all together!

therealpepe · 1 points ·
sometimes i wonder if there is a link between beein concentrated and forgetting to breathe and deep traumas. because all the friends i know that have that problem have lived through severe traumatic situations

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