TheVictoryHawk · 1 points ·
there was an eclipse scheduled on the 16th so they weren't burned by the aztecs because they thought it was a sign of a god

TheVictoryHawk · 1 points ·
Where does Reaper stack up on this?

TheVictoryHawk · 4 points ·
captcha, that is all

TheVictoryHawk · 3 points ·
well that also makes you a dumbass for calling an 11 year old a "cute baby"

TheVictoryHawk · 1 points ·
Something about not believing any science

TheVictoryHawk · 3 points ·
tis repost unfortunately

TheVictoryHawk · 2 points ·
It's at 40 now, nobody touch this shit!

TheVictoryHawk · 0 points ·
the pencil is for a tablet

TheVictoryHawk · 1 points ·
Weekend at Bernie's

TheVictoryHawk · 1 points ·
!gamble all
