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ThisIsButAName · 2 points ·
Old. Like, really really old

ThisIsButAName · OP · 1 points ·
I know, I just had to say this.
Plus, this post is against cute posts, not unfunny ones

ThisIsButAName · 15 points · *
Number 20 did the right thing, horrible music taste are a sufficient reason not to date her

ThisIsButAName · 1 points ·
It would be easier for bots tho

ThisIsButAName · 4 points ·
Came here to say that exact same words, sir.
It seems that good old culture has been lost lately.

ThisIsButAName · OP · 2 points ·
Indeed, good sir. I blame it on Jurassic Park

ThisIsButAName · 1 points ·
Implement reverse image search (like google does) for looking up a repost

ThisIsButAName · 4 points ·
Back in my days it was not called stealing a kill but saving your ***in' life

ThisIsButAName · 16 points ·
I'm a computer programmer, it's 23.22, i'm programming.
myth confirmed
