Valtane · 6 points ·
When trying to activate the Sentinel foot, I believe.

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Valtane · 3 points ·
Yeah it's fake but REALLY well done.

Valtane · 30 points ·
Man, she's pretty hardcore.

Valtane · 1 points ·
A few years ago at work this guy would come in like once a week, totally blazed, and buy nachos with cheese. Then he'd do the same Heath Ledger Joker impression for 10 minutes to every worker in the store then sit outside on the sidewalk and munch away on the nachos. All the while he had two mountains of dandruff on his shoulders.

Valtane · 12 points ·
Intentional or not it looks like Samuel L. Jackson.

Valtane · 24 points ·
"Why did she bring me here? I don't know anyone...Where's my food? Did they spit in it? Can we leave yet?

Valtane · 1 points ·
Sun Vulcan!

Valtane · 1 points ·
I definitely tend to listen to music more when the game has no real dialogue, like text only or something like that. Unless it's a horror game because then you really need to focus on sounds and atmosphere.

Valtane · 2 points ·
Physically multitasking it one thing. But listening to 3 separate things is more of a mental thing, trying to distinguish each individual sound. We're not all Data, so a ton of people can't do this too well. I can only manage 2 separate audio influences.
