Vasastan · 10 points ·
I think every single sentence in there needs more information...

Vasastan · 3 points ·
Not that I don't hate the mass media, but it's also that politicians have started pushing absolutely batshit positions. "Accept the gays" became "Bearded violent men are actually women", "Melting pot" became "Open all borders everywhere", "Investigate police crimes" became "Defund the police". Losing in politics for conservatives went from "acceptable" to "my kids may get physically hurt".

Vasastan · 2 points ·
It's reverse Australia - everything outside the border is lethal.

Vasastan · 2 points ·
Oh, he's been practising, just maybe not the eye surgery thing.

Vasastan · 2 points ·
Real life bridge troll.

Vasastan · 2 points · *
In reality, saunas are Orgone accumulators. This is the source of the awesome power of the Finns. It is said that Simo Häyhä slept every night in a sauna.

Vasastan · 6 points ·
That's like one third of Turkey. I'm sure no bad consequence from well-armed and motivated Turks will come from that ambition.

Vasastan · 3 points ·
It's obviously their fault, especially the tentacle porn which keeps turning up.

Vasastan · 3 points ·

Vasastan · 2 points ·
"Shared universe" is having script changes right now, look for more apocalyptic content.
