Vilante · 0 points ·
Bad SunSun, that is not how we play fetch!! Who the *** invited MoonMoon's more retarded cousin?

Vilante · 2 points ·
No little kid would've knew that he was about to get some pussy

Vilante · 1 points ·
Did school really just help me get a joke?

Vilante · 1 points ·
Everyone knows Spider-Man is responsible for 9/11

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Vilante · 1 points ·
You're correct. I wish he would've put the failures first then the one success

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Vilante · 0 points ·
Someone please have this with only ps4 between them

Vilante · 0 points ·
I was thinking the bear isn't the scary, I could take it on one on one no problem. I was wondering like wtf is scary bout this? Then bam!! The mother***ing saywrecking shitstorm bringing reverse *** birth pure creature of hell!! You sir deserve the struggle of changing to desktop mode, signing in and actually liking!
