VladimirLenin · 1 points ·
!gamble all

VladimirLenin · 1 points ·
!gamble 100

VladimirLenin · 4 points ·
The one on the left in the second pic
"I ain't even mad."

VladimirLenin · 1 points ·

VladimirLenin · 1 points ·

VladimirLenin · 5 points ·

VladimirLenin · 24 points ·
10/10 Would blaspheme again.

VladimirLenin · 1 points ·
The thumbnail of the poster. >mfw

VladimirLenin · 1 points ·
"Lo and God said to John, come forth and receive eternal life. But John came fifth and received a toaster."

VladimirLenin · 1 points ·
>like new
I call BS, unless Grandfather Oak*** found the fountain of youth
