VorruMan · 3 points ·
So, a /b/tard made a fake account, purposely chatted up a person and started requesting weird as balls images from them, and because they were stupid enough to do what the /b/tard wanted they are now the worst person in the universe? Ok. Sounds cool.

VorruMan · 2 points · *
I find the statistics used to back that claim up dubious at best, especially since I've yet to find the data and methodology used to make those statistics up. You are actually saying, that countries where the last shootings happened in 2011 and 2012 respectively, are worse off with gun violence than the US, where there have been more shootings this year than there have been days that have passed? It sounds like they are trying to misrepresent statistics to make things look better than they actually are.

Fun Fact: I was just anal enough to actually check the numbers myself. By taking all the shootings in Finland and using the same formula crimestatistics had (deaths/pop. in millions/years) I got a death toll of 0.195 for Finland. Now using the same formula I got a death toll of 0,234 for the USA. The sad part is, for Finland I used all deaths by firearms from 2009-2015, but for the USA I used deaths in mass shootings in 2015 alone.

VorruMan · 0 points ·
She contributed just as much to their initiative, so she also donated $45 billion of her own wealth?

VorruMan · 7 points ·
The war has changed.

VorruMan · 2 points ·
Unfortunately you are not one of the feminists that the world listens to. You may not be ignoring half of the population, but those who are writing the laws do. For example, in the UK Survivors UK had it's funding completely cut even though the amount of men reporting rape had risen by 120%, that means in effect that men have even less support than they had before while statistically they would appear to need it more than before.

You assume that the problem is with the gender itself, that is also one of the things that makes people veer away from feminism. When men commit crimes even you assume it's because they are men, when women commit crimes is it also because they are women, or do you consider the socioeconomic factors of the women who commit crimes? Most violent crimes are committed by people who live in poverty, most homeless people are men. Also, where I live homeless or impoverished men receive little to no aid, women on the other hand have shelters and several programs to help them find work and housing. Poor women are more likely to veer toward prostitution than violent crime, since that is an easily accessible way for them to make money by being exploited, men don't have that option either so they are more likely to become robbers, muggers and whatnot.

Have you considered, that the vast majority of criminals are men, because the vast majority of impoverished men receive little to no support when compared to impoverished women? Also, men and women use what measures they have available, as I mentioned before for women it's easier to use sexuality to survive and for men it's easier to use physical power. Also, when women do use physical power to commit violent crimes they are far less likely to be taken as a serious threat, many social experiments have shown how people just don't care even if a woman is beating up a man in broad daylight. Even the popular image from some time back that was of a mans head that had a high heeled shoe lodged into it was taken as a humorous "he must have done something wrong lol" type amusement. The lack of empathy towards men is a huge issue in most societies, and that is directly reflected in the amount of help men receive from the state and other people.

Instead of vilifying men for being men, we should instead consider what is the reason men are more likely to be in a situation where they feel violent crime is the only answer to their plight? You are right in that society needs to question many things in its framework, but the popular feminist narrative, popular as in the one that is in media and actually affects the decision making processes of nations, is that men are problematic, because they are men.

VorruMan · 16 points ·
The problem with the "teach men not to rape" is that most men already know that rape is wrong and wouldn't do it, assuming of course from a western culture perspective, since that's where it's aimed at. Those who do rape also know that rape is wrong, they just don't care.

Yes, women are taught to fear, even though they are statistically more likely to be safe when walking around at night. The vast majority of assault victims are men, but are men taught to fear? No. In most cultures women are taught to fear and be careful because the society cares about women and does not want harm to befell them, men on the other hand get the short end on the stick. Just look at the latest domestic violence statistic that claim that almost half of the DV perpetrators are female, but where is the push for male DV shelters?

#HeForShe is one more "Women are empowered, that is why men should help women because women can't do anything without men" -type campaign that encourages seeing women as perpetual victims without the ability to do things for themselves.

As for women are minority and need a revolution. Where in the western world? In the western world where women hold the majority of places in universities, or have gender quotas in place to have some 40-50% minimum of women in certain positions, or have special privileges when trying to get to universities where they already are a majority, where women can't by definition be rapists, where women get shorter sentences for same crimes, or where women are by default seen as the victim even if they are the perpetrator of a crime?

Changes are needed for many things, both genders are disadvantaged in different positions of life. But ignoring half of the population and concentrating only on the other, usually while disadvantaging the ignored portion of the population at the same time, is why so many see feminism as something toxic. And that is the fault of the loud and stupid ones, because they have the institutional power to enact these changes. The silent feminists who are for actual equality aren't helping the situation, in fact, by inflating the amount of feminists they are actually making it worse, since people believe that as long as the silent ones don't condemn the actions of the loud ones, then they must support them.

VorruMan · 14 points ·
Unfortunately, often the loud ones are the ones who are listened to when change is made. The silent ones are just a stepping stone used to justify the opinions of the loud and stupid ones. If more "feminists" were for true equality there would be more voices against positive discrimination, as of now the reality is the exact opposite. Stuff like #HeForShe, "Teach Men Not To Rape" and the push for more "female only" quotas are perfect ways to make sure more and more people see feminism as something toxic, vilifying men and promoting the perpetual victim status of women, and not as something that has, and can contribute good things to this world.

VorruMan · 7 points ·
Here everyone is complaining about the nein-gag watermark/shitpost, and I'm just wondering how OP managed to misspell parts of the title when the title is almost in its entirety in the image.

VorruMan · 5 points ·
I love how in the Running With Scissors site the Postal 3 info sheet says: "Purchase: We don’t recommend you do, and if you do make sure you get a good deal on it (75% off or more)."
