wecko · 1 points ·
The ones that you mentioned are pretty much about disrespecting the person (which you are completely free to do, but not always the thing you want - especially if talking to someone you regard highly).

8 is absolutely valid though, even more generally. Any kind of disorder and non-standard expectations will be an inconvenience to other people, especially if it forces them to do things out of their comfort zone. It's up to the people to be worth hanging out with despite the inconvenience they cause, whether they are trans, vegan or in a wheelchair.

wecko · 1 points ·
Tbh it's probably not that much more than high-tier sport equipment (maybe even a trainer), car / motorbike cost & maintenance, it's not that much more than the newest iphone either. I'd even say it's barely more than a heavy smoker spends.

wecko · 10 points ·

wecko · 4 points ·
He has a point. You can't compare it with voting, it costs you nothing to vote for a party you want, but getting food from a good origin suddenly costs you double.

Also, you are voting so that you force the minority to accept your decision. When 50% of people don't buy a burger, nothing convinces the other 50% not to buy it as well.

wecko · 1 points ·
Hoped to find an answer in the comments.

alright then, keep your secrets.

wecko · 1 points ·
you need a one-way hash function

wecko · 8 points ·
~~Rains of castamere starts playing

wecko · 11 points ·
> Australian suburb
> assuming i don't die of unrelated things

wecko · 1 points ·
There is literally a chess board in that room

wecko · 4 points ·
Nobody expected a chinese outsourced mobile game though, just like spanish inquisition.
