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wehttam449 · 1 points · *
pro tip: don't ever play the drinking game where you drink every time you find an anti-semetic reference or dog whistle in stonetoss's archive. you'll die of alcohol poisoning. but if you do play, don't forget to drink for this one too.

The irony of calling anti-fascists anti-semetic by coding a character as jewish using only a caricature of a "jewish" nose.

wehttam449 · 9 points ·
the message that valve wisely dodged a bullet? Put your "all speech should be allowed REEEE" ideology aside and look at it pragmatically. They had nothing to gain and plenty to lose by letting it through.

wehttam449 · 7 points ·
gee, it's almost like traditional displays of masculinity and homoeroticism are inextricably linked

wehttam449 · 3 points ·

If you're not interested in clicking that link the comic implies that a jewish billionare isn't white.
Also talking about jews in that context is pretty much always an anti-semetic dogwhistle
I almost commented "Stonetoss is a right-wing screed half the time, but I'll concede his point here"

Glad I fact-checked the fascist.

Also the mouse-over text is "pure coincidence I'm sure" and which turns the dogwhistle into a regular old whistle as far as I'm concerned

wehttam449 · 0 points ·
I just went to the guy's website for the first time and one of his first comics is a textbook anti-semetic dogwhistle. Guy can't even keep his own facts straight

unless he's trying to imply that being anti-semetic is something they should be agreeing with, which is... probably true honestly

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wehttam449 · 10 points ·
This is ironic, considering that is exactly what happens to the conservidiots who actually believe that being a white man in the west is hard

wehttam449 · 1 points ·
missionary yes, catholic no. he was some kind of evangelical christian

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