whatthefduck · 1 points ·
to my fckin childhood

whatthefduck · 2 points ·
agreed, tho keep in mind a lot of kids just don't know how to live life as a male. their T levels are in the basement, they jack off too much, smoke/drink/eat shit food and waste their serotonin and dopamine, and they probably have a beta father who can't teach them shit.
they got little choice and will to do smth about it.

whatthefduck · 1 points ·
damn you were right

whatthefduck · 1 points ·
good man

whatthefduck · 1 points ·
gief name i'll check

whatthefduck · 1 points ·
yep, classic news over the years

whatthefduck · 1 points ·
what kind of a long ass vertical phone is that

whatthefduck · 1 points ·

whatthefduck · 1 points ·
dental hygiene is not a joke JIM

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